

OverWorld is an RPG being developed primarily using Python and C. It uses pygame. There is only one (sometimes two) developer(s) working on OverWorld and he only works on it occasionally. As a result, progress is pretty slow but always ongoing. To see the latest changes firsthand, you can download the source from SVN.

You can also visit the Sourceforge project page for OverWorld.


Rough roadmap:


Screenshots of OverWorld, by date.

2005-02-24 2005-09-02 2006-07-22-1
2005-03-29-1 2005-09-03 2006-07-22-2
2005-03-29-2 2005-09-20 2006-07-22-3
2005-04-27 2006-01-14 2006-09-30